As mentioned on Facebook, a few of us got together a week or so ago to continue doing inventory for Backpacks For The Homeless/ RVA
We did so to get a good baseline on what we have and what we need to make the numbers November 30th for our next big packing event. This is roughly what we have so far. Keep in mind that we are aiming for a minimum of 500 backpacks:
(First number is our current inventory, second number is the number needed)
253 backpacks 17 in. tall or taller. We need at least 247 more. New and used backpacks are completely welcome. If used, please make sure they have no broken zippers and no holes in the body of the pack.
147 washcloths. We need a minimum of 353 more. New and used washcloths are perfectly fine. We do ask that used washcloths be in solid shape with no holes.
177 pairs of gloves. We need a minimum of 332 more pair. All of the rest to come in can be men’s sizes as we have plenty of smaller pair for ladies.
88 scarves. We need a minimum of 412 more.
408 pair of socks. We will need a minimum of 3,592 more. The truth is we will need much more than this as we constantly run through socks on a weekly basis. We could easily shoot for 4,000 more pair. I would love some of our educators/ schools and businesses to back us by doing a Socktober Drive. Please let me know who would be interested in that. New and used socks are both completely welcome. We ask that you socks be in good shape with no holes in them.
423 toboggan style knit hats. We need a minimum of 77 more.
208 deodorant. We will need at least another 292.
580 disposable razors. We need at least another 420.
The following are items that we have only eyeballed but not counted. This is a rough estimate but within the ballpark:
Chapstick, we roughly need 200 more.
Hot hands, we need roughly 1,200 more pair. Generic brands are completely welcome.
Slim Jims or equivalent, we will need at least 400 more.
Chicken and tuna packs, boxed or pouches, salad or meat, we will need at least another 300.
Tampons, we will need at least another 700.
Cough drops, we will need at least 3,000 more. This is a conservative number I am sure.
1 gallon Ziploc Style bags, we will need at least 1500 more.
1 in wide Band-Aids, we will need at least 4000 more.
The following items are things that we have plenty of. We would rather not anyone spend extra money on these items. This is just a heads up on what we have. If you do have the following items in stock and just want to donate them, we would be happy to have them. Again, no need to spend money on the following items:
to-go cutlery.
There are many more items but we do not have a good feel for what the counts are on those to even guess. In the following weeks, we will update everybody with a more accurate account on those items.
Keep in mind that many of the items needed can be found on our Amazon wish list set up in the featured column at the top of our page.
We could always use fast food gift cards also in that wish list.
We continue to get in zip top cans of several items like Chef Boyardee pastas, Vienna sausages, Franks and beans.
We also love to get crackers in as well as soft granola bars and Power Bars. What is coming in is fantastic but we can use these on a weekly basis. Feel free to send those in if you would like as well.
We can also use Amazon gift cards if you don’t know what to buy. We can fill in the blanks as we find them.
Many thanks to so many of you who are helping us take care of our unsheltered. You are as much a part of things as anybody that is on foot. We cannot thank you enough!